Comment on a teaching idea I found on the web
"Kreatives Schreiben mit Storybird"

     The teaching idea I would like to comment on can be found on the following webpage: Unfortunately, one has to possess an account for this page to look at the teaching idea, so I decided to include it is a pdf file that you can download here.

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      As you can see on the pdf document, my teaching idea is called “Kreatives Schreiben mit Storybird” and deals with a creative writing task making use of an online tool called storybird. Before I start commenting on this teaching idea, I would like to present the tool quickly. 
The website storybird
    Storybird is a webpage that offers the possibility to create story books online. It already provides lots of different pictures and works of arts the students can choose from. All they have to do is to find some pictures that are appropriate for their topic and to write their own story next to them. To show you what this tool actually looks like, I have prepared the following screenshot. This screenshot shows some of the art the pupils can choose from when they start creating their own storybird.
The task
    As I have already mentioned, the teaching idea consist of a creative writing task.  In this paragraph, I will present the task in English. In the case of the teaching idea, the students are confronted with the task to write a story about the daily life of a family. They should feel free to think of their own family life, to think up one or to be inspired by the pictures provided on The story that they create is supposed to have a length of 300-500 words. If the pupils decide to work in groups of two, their story should be twice as long. After the pupils finished their story, they should meet in groups of four and present their stories to their group members. The author of each story reads out his results and the others provide him or her with some feedback. After the stories have been discussed, each pupil can improve his or her story again within five minutes. Last but not least, each group suggests one of the stories for a competition within the class. After that, the winner is elected.
Positive aspects of the website
    I really like this teaching idea for several reasons. First of all, I like the storybird webpage very much. This tool is easy to work with, and it only takes some minutes to become familiar with its functions. Registering for the tool is no challenge, as you only have to enter a nickname, an email address and the password you would like to use for your account. After the registration process, you can immediately start working with it. Apart from that, I really like the pictures and works of art that are available on the page. They are diverse enough so that every pupil might find pictures to use. Although the pictures are diverse and drawn by many different artists, all of them are appropriate for children.
    Another aspect I appreciate very much about the tool is that the teacher can create an account for his or her class. If he or she does so, the pupils can register for the tool without using their own e-mail addresses. I think that this is an advantage because we as teachers want our students to be careful about publishing private data on the internet which might also include private e-mail addresses.
Storybird for creative writing tasks
    In my opinion, it is a very good idea to use the storybird tool when it comes to teaching creative writing in foreign language classes. As the pupils can choose from many different pictures, they might be inspired for their own story. When creative writing tasks are used in foreign language classes, many pupils often do not come up with any ideas for their writing. I think that the pictures provided on the page help the pupils to gather some ideas and to start writing. If they suffer from a writer`s block, for instance, they can start writing their story by describing what they can see on the pictures that they chose. By doing so, they can get into the story and might develop further ideas that they can add later on. All in all, I agree with the author of the teaching idea when he or she mentions the following:  “[D]ie zahlreichen phantasievollen Bilder regen auch den trägsten Geist zum Schreiben einer Geschichte an”.
Working in groups of two
    What I also like about the teaching idea is that the pupils can work in groups of two. This is especially good for weaker or shy students. They do not have to work on their own but can ask their partners if they need help. Apart from that, the pupils might collect more or better ideas if they can discuss them with other pupils. The possibility to write one story together with another pupil also increases their social competences. The students have to pay attention at the attitudes and wishes of their partners and also have to come to a compromise with them on what to write about. Besides practicing and improving the social competences of the pupils, this task, especially if it is worked on in groups of two, helps to improve the pupils` language skills. If two pupils work on the same story, they have to adapt their style of writing to the other member of their group. In a coherent story, there should not be huge differences in terms of register or content. That is why the pupils might develop a better feeling for their own language.
Feedback and competition
    I also appreciate the idea to make the pupils meet in groups of four after the stories have been finished. In these groups, the pupils can receive individual feedback. As there are only four group members, no pupil has to be afraid to present his or her results. Due to the feedback that the pupils receive for their work, they have the possibility to correct their mistakes or to improve their writing. After that, they might be more convinced of what they wrote then they were before.
    Furthermore, I also like the idea of initiating a competition between the pupils. If a competition is used in class, the teacher should make sure that it does not result in bullying. Of course, there often is the danger that weaker or more emotional pupils could fall victim to it. The teaching idea that I found on the web minimizes this danger as each group consisting of four people has to agree on the best story. By doing so and by offering the possibility to improve the stories after some feedback has been received, no bullying might occur. Under such conditions, a competition is motivating for the pupils. Normally, everyone tries to do his or her best to be the winner.
Age group and grades
    Concerning the age group in which this task could be used I would like to state that in my opinion, this task and tool even is appropriate for pupils of a lower grade. Even if the pupils do not know many English words, they can create their own little story. Their writing ends in a product, and they can show it to their parents or friends. As it is stored online, it is available wherever they want to access it. Due to that, they might feel proud of their results and might be motivated to write another story and to produce another storybird.
    But although the task and tool seems to be appropriate for younger children, it is not restricted to that age group, at all. For beginners, it is of course possible to use more pictures, so that it is enough for them to write one sentence for each picture. Older pupils could use fewer images but write longer and more complex texts next to them. In my opinion, this is the reason why this teaching idea can be used for all classes.
Possible use
    The last thing I would like to mention about the teaching idea is that it is suitable for many situations. The only aspect that needs to be changed then is the topic of the story. In the case of the teaching idea, the students are supposed to write about the daily life of a family, but I can imagine many other topics for which this tool could be used. When I think of the last session of New Media in foreign language classes, I can remember creating a storybird about a party. That was fun, too.  Another idea might be to let our pupils create a storybird about their holidays and after that make them present their results in class. Apart from that, it can be used whenever we want our pupils to fulfill a creative writing task.
    In conclusion one can say that this teaching idea can be used very well in foreign language classes. It is motivating for the students because they can choose from a great variety of pictures. All of the pictures are appropriate for children and might inspire them to write a story. Apart from that, the teaching idea helps to practice and improve the language skills of the pupils. They have to write a story, and that is why they are forced to practice their vocabulary. In addition to that, they also train their writing skills. They need to create an exciting story and might also need to adapt their language to the style of writing of a fellow student.  Nevertheless, the language level can be adjusted for the classes and grades in which the teaching idea is used. Another advantage of this teaching idea is that it uses a tool that is available for free. The pupils do not need to pay for it and they even do not have to enter any personal data if the teacher creates an account for the whole class.
Example of a storybird
    At the end, I would like to show you what the results of such a lesson could look like. Therefore, I created a storybird myself. This storybird focuses on the topic of the daily life of a family, too, but it is a bit shorter than the teaching idea suggests. You can access my storybird by clicking on the following link:

All in all, I recommend using this teaching idea at school, and I hope that I could convince you of its advantages.